Gardens up dill salad, 'sort of' egg salad
Wow! Dill is already a foot or two high in the garden.
And gardening season has just begun. Unless you greenhouse garden or live in an amphitheater* in the tropics.
This is a quick, zesty recipe. Who needs pizza? 😢The rest of the world.
Brazil nuts (I used whole raw organic brazil nuts, but you could chop or slice them)
Nutritional yeast (which is a vegan cheese in powder form)
Hot sauce or sliced roma tomatoes/organic tomato paste from a non-BPA can if out of season
Coconut cream (from the refrigerator)
ACV (apple cider vinegar), raw organic is best
The coconut cream and acv give it that ranch or blue cheese dressing tang.
Avocado (the only thing that doesn’t need to be organic)
It definitely egg yolks and mayonnaise …pretty close. Would be great on sourdough toast or a bagel. Silken tofu, organic tumeric, sliced organic swiss chard, coconut cream. (Refridgerate)
*with surround sound?